Nationalrunner-up, in the category of best national exhibition project , for the exhibition “The legacy of the Qin and Han dynasties. The warriors of Xi An” of the Provincial Archaeological Museum of Alicante MARQ, Provincial Council of Alicante, State Administration of Cultural Heritage of China, Administration of Cultural Heritage of Shaanxi, C

To enable it as an exhibition hall, with access from inside the Archaeological Museum of Crevillent and from the municipal park. Promoter: @ajuntamentcrevillent Address work: @rocamoramuseographic Quantity surveyor: Javier Alfosea CarmonaMuseographic project: @rocamoramuseographic Builder: José Ramón Pérez Nieto (Talleres y conducciones Juanito S.L.)

An original manuscript from 1941, a pile of sheets of toilet paper sewn with thread on top, four children’s stories and some pencil drawings; the key piece from which a small universe made of metaphors of freedom, childhood and absence emerges. A universe that materializes in a museum exhibition that tells the story and content of the last stories and

The Territorial College of Architects of Alicante invites you next Wednesday, April 26 at 19h at the Centro Cultural Las Clarisas de Elche (C / Capità Lagier, 1) to know the most excellent architectural pieces of the province built between 2020 and 2021. Many of these pieces are in Elche. The event will also feature a presentation of the works by their auth