Coming soon: “Miguel Hernández, the poet who made toys. Last stories and absences for his son”.

An original manuscript from 1941, a pile of sheets of toilet paper sewn with thread on top, four children’s stories and some pencil drawings; the key piece from which a small universe made of metaphors of freedom, childhood and absence emerges. A universe that materializes in a museum exhibition that tells the story and content of the last stories and poems, the last thoughts and events in the life of Miguel Hernandez and the legacy dedicated to his son Manuel Miguel Hernandez Manresa, Manolillo.

An exciting project, because of its closeness, and special because of its content, possibly the last writings of the poet from the Adult Reformatory of Alicante where he arrived in 1941 and where he died of tuberculosis a few months later, in March 1942. Four children’s stories turned into a book illustrated by a fellow prisoner, Eusebio Oca; a last unfinished posthumous book, the Cancionero y romancero de ausencias; personal correspondence with his home, with his Josefina, with his family; toys made by the poet and milkmaids, secret carriers of verses and stories.

Finally, a unique and spectacular space, the Anteroom of the María Moliner Reading Room in the National Library of Spain.

Coming soon, “Miguel Hernández: the poet who made toys. Last stories and absences for his son.”