EXHIBIT AWARDS 2023 AWARDS A NATIONAL ACCESIT TO THE EXHIBITION “The Legacy of the Qin and Han Dynasties. The warriors of Xi An”.

Nationalrunner-up, in the category of best national exhibition project , for the exhibition “The legacy of the Qin and Han dynasties. The warriors of Xi An” of the Provincial Archaeological Museum of Alicante MARQ, Provincial Council of Alicante, State Administration of Cultural Heritage of China, Administration of Cultural Heritage of Shaanxi, Center for the Promotion of Cultural Heritage of Shaanxi, Embassy of P. R. China in Spain and C.V.-MARQ Foundation.

The EXPONE Awards recognize the good work of museum, exhibition, culture and heritage professionals. Of the more than fifty nominations submitted for the award in its various categories, the independent jury of leading professional experts has singled out this project as one of them.

Today, museums have evolved beyond being mere guardians of art and culture. They have become dynamic and multifunctional places that seek to promote sustainability and the well-being of both visitors and the environment.

In this context, exhibition design and ephemeral architecture play a key role in creating attractive and functional environments that are aligned with sustainability principles.

Achieving a successful museum design involves finding the perfect harmony between maintaining optimal conditions for the preservation of exhibits and providing a comfortable environment for visitors.

Each project is unique and is adapted to the specific characteristics and themes of the museums in which it is implemented. Rocamora Diseño y Arquitectura works closely with the curatorial teams and content experts to ensure that the narrative and visitor experience complement each other seamlessly.