The National Library looks at the Miguel Hernández creator of stories and toys with an exhibition

On October 5, the cultural institution will open an exhibition that will display the authentic manuscripts, written on toilet paper, of the four stories dedicated to the poet’s son, as well as the ingenious artifacts that the author himself created.

It is a joy to share this news that fills the entire Rocamora Diseño y Arquitectura team with satisfaction. On October 5, the National Library of Spain will inaugurate its new temporary exhibition in Madrid, and we are excited to be part of this important project.

The exhibition to be presented at the prestigious cultural institution is unique in its kind. In this exhibition visitors will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the creative and personal world of one of the greatest poets of our Alicante lands, Miguel Hernández. But what makes this exhibition so special?

First, we will delve into the original manuscripts of the four moving stories that Hernández dedicated to his son. These manuscripts are true literary jewels that allow us to know the most intimate and paternal facet of the poet. It is a glimpse into her thoughts, emotions and her immense love for her son.

But that’s not all. The exhibition will also include replicas of some of the objects that Miguel Hernández made with his own hands. Did you know that in addition to being a master wordsmith, he was also a skilled craftsman? The toys he created for his son are touching testimonies of his creativity and fatherly love.

To carry out the exhibition set-up of this unique show, we have had the privilege of counting on the expert experience of Ángel Rocamora, CEO of Rocamora Diseño y Arquitectura. This firm has left its stamp on exhibitions at the Archaeological Museum of Alicante (MARQ) and is becoming a benchmark in the world of museography and design.

In addition, the exhibition will include a facsimile of the book edited by Eusebio Oca, a piece that complements the visitors’ experience in an extraordinary way.

In short, this exhibition is a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the creative universe of Miguel Hernández, a poet who continues to thrill us with his poetry and who, through this exhibition, reveals his lesser-known but equally amazing facet.

We invite you to join us in this journey that will lead us to discover the essence of a poet who believed in the beauty of words, stories and toys as forms of expression and love.

We look forward to seeing you at the Biblioteca Nacional de España from October 5 to share this unique experience together!

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