Big news! The museographic architecture of the exhibition “Warriors of Xi’An. The legacy of the Qin and Han dynasties” is one of the projects selected to move on to the next phase of the ARCHITECTURE Awards of the CSCAE (Superior Council of Architects’ Associations of Spain). This museographic project at the MARQ (Alicante), which is

On March 26th, the new international exhibition was inaugurated at the MARQ in Alicante. “Dynasties. The first kingdoms of prehistoric Europe” takes us back to the fascinating European Bronze Age, exploring the formation of the first states through three key cultures. From El Argar in Spain to Aunjetitz in Germany and Otomani-Füzesaboni in the C

It is a fully experiential museum installation that now lands at the Museum of Nature & Science in Denver, Colorado. It is designed to immerse visitors in the world of orcas from the moment they enter. Life-size sculptures, ambeintal lighting and surround sound combine to create a multi-sensory experience that transcends conventional exhibition architect

The traveling exhibition returns to the capital of Alicante where it began its journey in its first venue, the MARQ (Alicante). After touring the province from end to end, this exhibition invites you to explore the rich history of Alicante’s castles. the modular and self-supporting museography of the exhibition, arranged in packing crates, immerses you

The School of Art and Design of Orihuela (EASDO) held a few days ago ORIGINA 2024, a design conference focused on the theme FUTURE. This event was established as a creative and reflective space where professionals and students shared experiences through conferences and debates. the day was packed with lectures, debates and workshops, providing a unique oppor