OPENING! Trousseaus for Eternity

From today Tuesday, May 28, in the lobby of MARQ Alicante you can visit the new exhibition we have designed “Trousseaus for eternity”.

In the hill of Cabezo del Molino, near Rojales, Alicante, an archaeological site has been discovered with human occupation from the third century B.C. until more than a thousand years later. Of particular note is a Byzantine necropolis from the 6th and 7th centuries AD, excavated since 2018, which is one of the earliest examples of rural Christian communities in the region.

This exhibition invites you to explore the Byzantine presence in the Iberian Peninsula, where military and merchants of the Byzantine Empire settled around 550, in conflict with the Visigothic Kingdom of Toledo. Although we know a lot about the Byzantine Empire, this site offers a unique insight into its influence in the area.

The most surprising are the personal belongings found in the children’s burials, probably of girls. These necklaces and earrings, rare in Christian communities, tell a special story of clothing and burial rituals. The exhibition highlights how the “plague of Justinian” may have prevented many women from achieving the important status of marriage in their society in transition to the Middle Ages.

The museographic proposal that we have designed at Rocamora Diseño y Arquitectura includes three exhibition drawers of different materiality. These drawers enrich the visual narrative and offer an immersive and detailed experience of the fascinating artifacts and history of the Cabezo del Molino.

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