Exhibition “Refugio de la Memoria” in Elche

Refuge of Memory. Museographic project on historical memory in Elche. Exhibition with more than 300 images of “Before, During and After” of the Civil War in Elche.

A sequence, first in a “tunnel” of memory where once you have visualized a graphic imaginary of Elche before the war, during and after, makes a review on the graphic memory of the defensive architectures in Elche in this historical stage. Once you have passed this tunnel of memory, covered with a textile sky from dramatic reddish to hopeful bluish, you come out into a free space and continue with a succession of sentences about the MemoryThe new space, in a brighter and wider space, a place of hope, where these phrases communicate this term as a constructive material to move forward constructively towards a better future.

And finally it is presented, before leaving the exhibition, the project that will be carried out for the recovery of the air raid shelter of the Paseo Germanías of Elche, preliminary project drafted by our study and that will develop its implementation within the EDUSI funds, for the musealization and enhancement of this heritage with an eye to the XXI century.