CDA-Architecture in use

In these days, we have visited again the Alzheimer Day Center located in Elche, which we visited in 2011.

This work could be projected and executed at a key economic moment at a national level, with funds from the Excmo. Elche City Council and Generalitat Valenciana. The national economy at that time was in a critical situation. Any effort should have been justified and evaluated in its result, at that time many works were carried out… (Plan Confianza, Plan E…).

Many architectural interventions were carried out (Plan Confianza was the one that promoted the VC and the center of Elche). Many of those interventions were long without “going into action” but this edition was a pressing need in Elche, was finalized, and in a few days AFAE was using its facilities.

AFAE made a management effort for a huge new architecture in relation to its previous house but adjusted to real needs at that time. Today the building’s requirements and services are serving the imperative needs of AFAE, although Alzheimer’s disease knows no architectural programs and requirements in Elche continue to grow.

It was a pride to be able to participate in this “necessary architecture”, with an intensive use today, spectacularly managed by the Alzheimer’s Family Association of Elche (AFAE).
It was an architecture that we were lucky to imagine, to make, and from which we learned a lot….

The facilities are located near the General Hospital of Elche and have 1,430 square meters of office space, classrooms, a gymnasium and dining room, as well as 1,800 more square meters of green areas.

The building was designed together with two colleagues: Alexandre Marcos, Prócoro del Real and Miguel Candela, and was selected by the Territorial College of Architects of Alicante CTAA in the Alicante Architecture Exhibition 2008-2011.