Client: Caja Mediterráneo Foundation Date: 2019 Categories: Ethnography, Temporary Exhibition
Selected by the CTAA in the Muestra de Arquitectura Reciente de Alicante 2018-2019.
The temporary museum project “La Llum” is a commitment of the CAM Foundation of Alicante to open to the public documents from the funds kept in its archives on illustrious personalities of Alicante.
In this case there are five authors represented: Eusebio Sempere, Emilio Varela, Azorín, Óscar Esplá and Gabriel Miró.
This exhibition space presents three topographical aspects that relate the authors: the geographical, the creative process and the vital topography.
The museographic proposal matches the support for the five authors, a natural, wooden topography, valuing with its sinuosities or adaptations the exposed material, graphing in these movements the shocks in their lives, the points of coincidence, the disagreements and the successes, the trips, the moments of leisure or those of creation.
A natural material, wood, was chosen as the basis for all the documents on display. Processed natural matter, converted into canvases, correspondence, brushes, easels, books, musical scores, etc., all natural documents that are now positioned in front of the digital world and are exhibited here to communicate to the visitor that the format is doubly valuable:
– The physical format, palpable and alive, tactile, smells, matures and ages, condenses in the graphic language all its wisdom.
– The intellectual legacy contained in them is a valuable sign of identity for the people of Alicante: all paper, all cellulose, all wood, in an Alicante topography of illustrious intellectuals and artists of Alicante.
Location: Caja Mediterráneo Foundation Headquarters, Alicante (Avenida del Doctor Ramón y Cajal) Museum Design: Rocamora Diseño y Arquitectura Photographs: Rocamora Diseño y Arquitectura