Gabriel Table 2.0


The sinuous shape of the table was intended to give movement to the space in which it was to be placed. All the materials used in the room where the table will be placed have a natural, sincere character, which transmits nonchalance and technical solvency. For this reason, FINSA’s Greenpanel was chosen for the construction of the table, which gives the table lightness and at the same time rigidity and maximum structural characteristics, with a thickness of 5 cm. The edge of the board, cut with a curved, sinuous geometry, exposes the soul of the material, with a gesture of maximum constructive sincerity. This sinuous geometry allows for multiple entrances and exits, places for different workstations, simultaneously differentiated uses, which generate different environments and places. The maximum dimensions of the table are 2.20 x 1.60 meters.

Additional information

Weight 50 kg
Dimensions 220 × 160 × 50 cm