New Archaeological Museum of the City of Denia: A Journey through Time

We are pleased to announce that the new Archaeological Museum of the City of Denia is about to open its doors to the public. This innovative museum project, designed in our studio, moves the valuable collections previously located in the Castle of Dénia to a new and fascinating space in Cavallers Street, in the historic Palace of the Duchess Valero de Palma. The building has been carefully restored to become a first class museum.

As designers of the museum architecture, we have worked to create a space that not only enhances the rich history of Denia, but also optimizes the visitor experience. Our intervention focuses on providing an accessible and immersive environment that guides visitors through a detailed historical tour.

The new location of the museum offers a comprehensive tour through the history of Denia, starting with its first known settlement in prehistoric times. From the settlement of l’Alt de Benimaquia to its evolution as a port and privileged enclave of the Mediterranean, the museum presents a complete and immersive narrative of the historical evolution of the city.

The Palace of the Duchess Valero de Palma, now converted into a museum, offers an accessible environment that facilitates the exploration of local history. This relocation not only preserves Denia’s rich cultural heritage, but also marks the beginning of an exciting future project. This upcoming project will expand both the exhibition discourse and the museum collection, enriching the visitor experience with a more comprehensive presentation of the local archaeological holdings.

The new Archaeological Museum of Denia promises to be a milestone in the preservation and dissemination of local history, offering visitors an educational and memorable experience. Stay tuned to our updates for more details on the opening and associated events.

We invite you to discover and explore the rich history of Denia in its new and renovated museum!

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