L’Alcudia in Action

Here are some new images of the exhibition L’ALCUDIA IN ACTIONwhich recently opened at the MAHE in Elche. The exhibition is based on the work carried out in Alcudia during the summer months by the University of Alicante. A ton and a half of sieved soil from the excavations of this summer has been brought from the site, as well as the materials and tools used, in order to highlight the value of the search work and the archaeological research process. We leave you some new images about the exhibition L’ALCUDIA EN ACCIÓ, which was recently inaugurated in the MAHE of Elche.
The exhibition is based on the works that are carried out in the Alcudia during the summer months, realized by the University of Alicante. It has brought from the site a ton and a half of land sifted from the excavations of this summer, in addition to the materials and tools used, in order to put value on the work of research and the process of archaeological research.